Jasa ♡ Jyushi

Art comm from Primrose_Draw

Art commissioned from: Pupperin_

✩ 🌙.˳⁺⁎˚💜🖤˚⁎⁺˳. 🌒✩Our icons: 🌙💜🌒🖤
Star signs: 💜♎️/🖤♈️
Our song: 悪魔の華
Our aesthetic: Moons & Roses
Relationship Anniversary: 1/2/24

Art commisioned from Pupperin_

Art Commissioned From Pupperin_


Art commissioned from @crncms

Do Not Interact/Follow

  • Basic DNI criteria

  • MINORS!!

  • Fanatically religious/pro-life

  • Hardcore SJW

  • Bullies/stalkers/ harassers

  • Discourse junky (you’re constantly arguing with people)

  • Antis/fandom police

  • You “yume” or ship an OC/self-insert with Jyushi

  • You yume with my non-sharing mutual’s f/o’s (I take my friends relationships seriously)

  • You’re just looking for Jyushi content, I’m not a fan page

  • You think Jyushi is a minor

  • You hate Jyushi or post mean/teasing things about him (making ANY jokes relating to his grandmother will be an instant block)

  • You constantly infantilize Jyushi

  • You “kin” Jyushi

  • Jyushi is your favorite/oshi

  • You’re hyper-fixated on or constantly talking about Jyushi

  • You post romantic or thirst tweets about Jyushi

  • You quote or comment on posts about Jyushi to love-bomb him


I will not share him, we are in love

Art commisioned from Pupperin_


Fictional Other

  • I am in an exclusive relationship with Aimono Jyushi (AKA 14th Moon)

  • Our “ship” name is: Jyusha

  • Currently we are engaged, our wedding is set for 4/14/25

  • Our Pokémon are Umbreon (Jyushi) & Espeon (me)

  • Hypmic universe lore: Jyushi and I first saw each other backstage of a division rap battle between Matenrou & BAT. I had been bringing roses to my boyfriend at that time, Doppo. I passed Jyushi and we made eye contact, it felt like love at first sight. A week later Caryn took me to see a concert, which happened to be Jyushi’s band “ArgoξOrchestra”. I recognized him right away, he noticed me in the crowd and after the show he approached me and we started to talk. We really hit it off, but kept it friendly because of Doppo. Over the course of a year, the more time Jyushi and I spent together as friends, the more our feelings for each other grew. It was getting harder to deny and I started to question my feelings for Doppo as our relationship had always felt one-sided. I tried to salvage our relationship, but it got worse and Jyushi finally decided he had had enough of holding back his feelings. Doppo noticed and tried to make an effort, but by then it was too late. We broke up on New Years and me and Jyushi finally became an official couple the next day, January 2nd.

  • “悪魔の華” is a very intimate song for us. Not long after we met he wrote it about me. He made his feelings and intentions very clear through this song, and I’ll never forget how I felt when I first heard it.

Art commissioned from Pupperin_

About Me

  • I identity as Asexual, Aromantic, demi-girl (she/her/they/them), & Fictosexual (strictly 2D)

  • My hobbies: drawing, walking, video games & watching anime

  • I like to casually collect merch of Jyushi & make ita bags or do deco for him. I mostly collect things that fit our relationship aesthetic or things that symbolize us

  • I mainly post about my relationship with Jyushi. I am NOT a yumejoshi, this relationship is real for me.

  • I am extremely non-sharing of Jyushi and will not support or acknowledge any other pairing with him.

  • I block Jyushi yumes and have never or will ever interact with them, I expect to be shown the same courtesy

  • I don’t support or participate in any kind of harassment or bullying (neither does Jyushi), if I ever say something that upsets you to the point that you can’t keep quiet COMMENT AND TELL ME. Chances are you are misunderstanding me, at least give me a chance to explain or I might apologize to you if I feel like I was out of line. Do not quote me on private or block me to quote so your followers can harass me, do better.

  • You are free to dislike me, but respect my boundaries the same way I would yours

  • If you follow me and I don’t follow you back, please don’t take it personal.

  • While I would prefer my followers didn’t follow or support Jyushi yumes, I will no longer pay attention to who you follow. All I ask is that you respect my relationship and my boundaries

  • If I unfollow you, please do not take it personal. I am an introvert working full time and I don’t have the time or energy to keep up with a lot of people

  • I will not knowingly follow or interact with minors! If you are a minor, DO NOT interact with me or my posts. If you don’t have your age in your bio or somewhere I can see it, I will not follow you back

  • I am ok with being blocked, if you have a problem with me I encourage you to block me and never interact with me or my posts (private quoting and blocking to quote is interacting!). I block very liberally with no explanation to curate my space. Do not take it personally, do not screen shot me blocking you to get people to come after me, just move on.

  • I’m not very good at keeping up with DM’s and I don’t interact with posts often

  • I suffer from anxiety and depression so sometimes I might be a little negative

Art Commissioned from Reversiblekiss